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Mainly I blog about my own experiences. The ups and downs, highs and lows. Things that encourage me to keep pressing toward the prize. People are basically the same. No one's life is a bed of roses all the time. I hope the Chronicles of my own spiral upward encourages you and challenges you. God bless you and thank you for visiting.

Friday, December 21, 2012


I have always loved Thomas Kinkade's work.  I can always imagine myself walking up the lane towards the house or the church in the painting, or walking across the bridge or peeking in through the window, or even imagining what it must look like inside - if it were real of course.  I can imagine it being warm and cozy inside, with fragrance wafting throughout the house from the baking going on in the kitchen, or young and old alike sitting by the fireplace with hot cocoa laughing and maybe reading or singing after being outside in the cold making  a snowman.

A good artist will do that.  Pull you in to their work.  Make you 'feel' as though you are a part of their creation.  I have noticed in my almost half a century on this planet that there are actually very few that have that ability.  Many have very lovely talent.  But that part of the gift seems lacking.  Thomas Kinkade had it.  In my opinion of course.  

Isn't it funny how thoughts of warm and cozy seem to lend themselves easily with family and laughter?  I wonder how many look at something like a Thomas Kinkade or a Norman Rockwell and think of the house being empty?  Or with only one person inhabiting it's rooms?  Probably not very many.

That is the journey I am on.  Learning to make my abode a home for one.  One plus 2 cats, 3 dogs and 3 birds.  I think I'm getting there.  I don't feel it quite as hard when I come in alone at night and have that 'I'm the only one here' feeling.  I must be adjusting.  I came in late last night and suddenly I heard a 'beep' that wasn't familiar to me.  I froze.  I wondered if I had uninvited company and my alarm system was trying to tell me something.  But everything seemed so 'normal'.  With great caution I took a quick look around the house and it was only just me and the livestock.  It must have been my phone telling me I had a message.  'Normal' to be alone here now.  Without realizing it I guess I have come a long way.  Home really is where the heart is, isn't it?!

Today I have been decorating the tree.  I let my cat take off with a ball ornament.  That keeps her distracted away from what I am trying to accomplish.  I have the fireside channel on with the Christmas music playing.  I'm going to make some shortbread.  I like shortbread almost as much as I like Thomas Kinkade's artistry.  Too bad he never painted a picture of shortbread.  I only let myself indulge in it at this time of year because of all that sugar, and there is no shortage of sugar being passed around right now.  I guess shortbread is one of those things I will keep a Christmas Tradition along with the Christmas tree and letting my cat take off with an ornament.

Thomas Kinkade passed away this year.  I don't think he was yet 60 years old.  They said he died of natural causes.  Natural causes at that age?  I'm sure he had much more creativity stored up in him than what we will ever have the privilege of seeing now that he is gone.  It's a good thing he was able to express it while he was here since his time here was much too short.  If I am any example of how his work was able to inspire people I'm sure he was able to reach many with with a warmth that maybe they thought was long gone from their soul.  Just goes to show - make the most of your journey while you're on it because someday will be the last day.  We really don't know who all we really do inspire, just by being who we are and doing what God has placed inside us.

I think I will get back to my tree and decorations and my cat now.  I hadn't planned on taking a break, but I'm glad I did.  I'm always as surprised as anyone when I see where my blogs have taken me.  

Maybe later I will go dig out my Thomas Kinkade 'stuff' and climb aboard a dream train.

Have a very Merry 'you are one of a kind' CHRISTmas.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Katherine,

    Great blog, I particularly like your first paragraph, about walking into a painting.

    Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year

    Hugs Nita
