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Mainly I blog about my own experiences. The ups and downs, highs and lows. Things that encourage me to keep pressing toward the prize. People are basically the same. No one's life is a bed of roses all the time. I hope the Chronicles of my own spiral upward encourages you and challenges you. God bless you and thank you for visiting.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I've been playing around a little with the colors, backgrounds, etc.  I don't know exactly what I'm doing yet, but learning a little bit at a time. There's no telling how many changes my new blogging spot might go through before I get the idea. I did manage to upload a picture I found on Photo bucket.  It's Norway at Christmas with the Northern Lights dancing in the sky.  I've always wished to see the Northern Lights, but I don't live far enough north.  On the very rare occasion we could see a faint white haze sort of flickering, but that was about as wild as it ever got.  Maybe I should put that on my wish/bucket list.  Sort of like a dream.  Something I will do in the future.

I wonder if the Future ever actually becomes the present.  Have you ever seen something in a store, and didn't have quite enough money, or you had the money but it had to be kept for other things, and thought to yourself  'Maybe someday'.?  Did your someday ever come?  Or does the Future only lie somewhere up ahead, like the faint glimmer of the Northern Lights in the Central Alberta sky?

Where does the Future begin?  How will I know when I have arrived at it?  When I see the Northern Lights in all their radiance, and my breath is taken away in awe at the wonders of God's creation? Is there a sign that says 'Welcome to the Future - Home of the Wish/Bucket List'?  Where do the Northern Lights begin?  Is there one certain spot in the atmosphere where we can definitely say 'This is their starting place?'

Or do you just creep up on it and suddenly find you have arrived there?  Did the Future begin already, and I was so busy thinking 'maybe someday' that I missed it?  Maybe today was the Future.  Maybe I'm in the Future right now and I didn't recognize it.  I didn't know that faint white haze in the sky were the Northern Lights until someone told me.  I never knew you could look at the Northern Lights and not recognize them, but I did - for a long time. 

Hmmmm ....

I don't think I'll ever think of the Northern Lights in quite the same way.

Have a blessed day.


  1. Hi Katherine,

    Your space is looking good and your blog here is very thought provoking. take care, Hugs Nita.

  2. Interesting blog about the future.
    I used to see the Northern Lights when I lived up north in BC. I do recall a year down here in Greater Vancouver where we got a glimps of them too, of course one had to be away from the city lights. But that was a rare occurence to see them this far down. Maybe I should pay attention more. lol
