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Mainly I blog about my own experiences. The ups and downs, highs and lows. Things that encourage me to keep pressing toward the prize. People are basically the same. No one's life is a bed of roses all the time. I hope the Chronicles of my own spiral upward encourages you and challenges you. God bless you and thank you for visiting.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

... FUNNY, ISN'T IT ...

Life is...  I haven't blogged for nearly a year.  Things can go so fast, and I don't know where the time flew away to.

I was just looking at my last post.  My Mom's Dr. report came back clean.  No tumor.  No cancer.  Just a small scar where it used to be.  A medical miracle.  Boy, you should have seen what a happy family we were!

But that was then.  Things are different now.  Very different.  Mom passed away on February 18, 2012.  The 'c' word returned with a vengeance and before we really even knew what was wrong with her she was in the final stages.

Mom lives in Heaven now.  I know that.  Mom is beholding the face of Jesus.  I know that.  One day I will join her.  I know that.  I am comforted by that.  But right now ... boy, do I ever miss her.

Mom and I go back a long ways.  Almost 50 years.  (Yes, I'm closer to 50 than 45).  We've been roomies for all that time except for 4 months when I was 17 and I had a job 100 miles away from home.  We both had our quirks, our own personalities that were as different as night and day, and yet in a unique way we kind of fit each other.  Mom deposited a lot into me.  Sometimes I didn't think I was listening.  Sometimes I wasn't listening on purpose.  But here it is, right when I need it.  Don't think that because someone doesn't seem to be listening that you have failed to reach them.  Just keep making those deposits anyway.  You and they don't know when they will need to draw on what they don't even know is there to manage another day. You might not even be around when the fruit of it appears in their lives.  But it will appear.

It's funny the difference a day can make.  Yesterday and this morning we were in the throws of a blizzard.  The blowing snow has stopped now, a fellow came in with his snow plow and plowed out the drive-way.  It only took him about a split minute, and it's already warming up.  Saturday is supposed to be +9 C.

Suddenly my whole world is different.  I will adjust.  I have been adjusting.  It takes one thought at a time, one feeling at a time.  I saw a comment on my friend Nita's blog today.  'One step at a time'.  It's ok.  I can only take one step at a time anyway.  One step at a time I will make it through this 'blizzard'.  The Son is shining, though sometimes the clouds and blowing snow hide Him.  

I will feel the warmth of His love on my face again, even if right now I have to take it by faith.  That's ok too.  And things will warm up for me again.  And it probably won't take that long.  It's funny the difference a day can make.

I hope you haven't been made to feel sad reading this.  Mostly it's just my jumbled thoughts.  One minute I'm thinking one thing and the next minute I'm thinking something else.  I'm not putting any pressure on myself to be 'super-dude'.  'One step at a time'.  Mom is with Jesus, and Jesus is with me as He always was before.  And His arm is not too short to see me through the days ahead.  Besides, Mom is probably up there praying for me.  :)

There is really no where for me to end this blog because my journey is by and large still ahead of me.  Prayers are very much appreciated.

Have a beautiful day/evening, depending on where you live.

Much love to you ...


  1. I am truly sorry for your loss. I endured that as well as we all of us do, with my parents and then my brother a year ago July. It is heartbreaking for us all.

    Thank you so much for the visit. I am glad to be here today and see how you are. Be good to yourself and take tender care. Come see me again if you can. (((HUGS)))

  2. Katherine,

    I am so pleased to see this excellent post. Also your comment on my blog, I am having lots of problems with my computer and accessing blogger at the moment. I am at Amanda's at the moment and cannot really concentrate, but I will back. But wanted to say Hi and a few words now.

    Love and warm Hugs - Nita

  3. Oh Katherine Im so very sorry to hear of your Mom. She is with you each day and I do know you know that.
    Mine is gone too so I do understand. Time is what it takes and let yourself feel what you need to when you need too.
    Im happy your back to blogging when you can. Spring is almost here and right here we still have snow. Im sure you have a bit here and there :)
    So glad you found me once again. I have never forgotten you.
    Much Love my friend.
    Keep your eyes up and your heart open.
