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Mainly I blog about my own experiences. The ups and downs, highs and lows. Things that encourage me to keep pressing toward the prize. People are basically the same. No one's life is a bed of roses all the time. I hope the Chronicles of my own spiral upward encourages you and challenges you. God bless you and thank you for visiting.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I'm not normally one to spread tales about people.  Usually I try to let things go in one ear and out the other when it comes to repeating unflattering things about people.  But there is something I'm wondering if I don't need to address, for one very specific reason.  I will try to keep it short and sweet.

Over the last few months my sister has been being cyber-bullied relentlessly by 3 people, two women and 1 man.  They took some pictures of hers that she had posted on Face book and they have done everything from use foul language to describe her looks, her life, her family, everything about her they can think of.  I would be loathe to repeat here the vile words that seem to drop effortlessly from their lips.  They have gone so far as to post her personal information and threaten her including death threats and threats to send a hit man to her and her family.  They have told her many times that she should just go and kill herself because she is not fit to live, she is a waste of oxygen and the world would be a better place without her.  I had at one point thought that these 3 (I refer to them as the unholy trinity) are actually mentally ill.  And in my opinion only, I do believe that one of the women is a psychopath in the clinical sense of the word.  However, if they were not in some control of their minds they would not be accountable for their actions and they are accountable. Their minds are not that far gone.  I know some say ignore bullies and they will get bored and stop.  Actually, that has never been my experience, and I've experienced my fair share of bullies, as I am sure you have as well.  Sometimes fighting back does seem to help ... if you can find a bigger stick.  IF.  My sister has tried to stay silent and unresponsive to them, but she is starting to feel like it is time to fight back.  If you pray, please pray for her regarding her decision, that it will be the right one and not just amount to a bigger 'flame war' where no one wins.

This is just a short list of the things they have done to her over the last few months.  The other amazing thing about them is that they have done this to people before.  Many times.  One person says he has proof of at least 68 people they have put through this horror.  I confess that I do not understand the mind of a person that gets their kicks being mean to other people.  Not once in a while, but as a way of life.  It appears that it is literally 'what they do'.  I guess they must have lives beyond the computer.  It is hard to tell.  They spend so much effort on this 'hobby' of theirs that I don't know where they fit in a 'life'.  When I have been mean on purpose to someone it hurts my feelings so bad for days, I can hardly stand it.  I can not imagine getting my kicks this way.  And trying to understand someone that does is beyond me I guess.

Now, I am friends with my sister on Face book, and happy to be.  I subscribe to her YouTube channel and she to mine, although I don't spend much time there.  In fact, if she were not there I would not likely be there either.  I am not ashamed to call her my friend.  This is where my quandary comes in.

I am associated with her in cyber space and it will remain that way.  And they have seen me associating with her but not by my real name or my name here on Blogger.  I don't think they have made the connection between us as far as our family relationship goes.  If they do that is fine with me.  They can say what they like about me, I don't really care.  They are not 'with it' enough to behoove me to pay them any mind.  But, the deal is ...

They Are Here On Blogger.  Posting their blogs on what a wretched creature my sister is.

Now this brings me to the reason for posting this blog in the first place.

The fact that they know that I associate with her automatically puts me on their hit list.  If they find out I am her sister, well, just let your imagination take over and I won't even have to finish my sentence.  But the sad part is, if you are a friend on my friend list, here or on Face book, that could automatically implicate you as well.  Now please be assured that on Face book and here as well I keep my permissions closed up as tight as a drum.  The only people who can see who my friends are are my friends because I couldn't close it up any tighter than that.  But this brings me right to the point.  If you feel more comfortable 'unfriending' me because of what you now know I will completely understand.  And I will certainly not hold any hard feelings.  I will not think any less of you than I do now.  I have valued and treasured your friendship and will continue to hold you dear in my heart.  But I also understand that people like this are like a deadly virus.  No one wants to be exposed to it.  But I will continue to stand with my sister in whatever way I can.

If, on the other hand, you choose to stay on my Friend List I will do everything I can think of to make absolutely sure that these vermin do not have access to you.  They will not get it through me.

Now I don't think it is my place to tell people who they should be friends with and who they shouldn't be friends with, but I can tell you, it would be to your great disadvantage to associate with these people.  You will be the sorry one.  The name here on Blogger is  'DaTroot'.  But if it comforts you at all, I think my friends are too peace-loving to be of much interest to them.

My purpose in posting all this is only to inform you.  I felt it would be wrong if all hell broke loose all around you and you didn't even know you were in the middle of a hornet's nest.  I hope I didn't scare anyone.

Well, that wasn't very short or sweet was it??? 

God bless you.

Much love to you ...


  1. Hi Katherine,

    I am so sorry to hear this and will pray, thank you for sharing. I will not be deleting you from my friends list. Take care and God Bless you and thank you for your comments on my blog and your encouragement. Love and Hugs - Nita

  2. Hi, I will not be deleting you...I pray God will help you and your sister through this..Big Hugs.
