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Mainly I blog about my own experiences. The ups and downs, highs and lows. Things that encourage me to keep pressing toward the prize. People are basically the same. No one's life is a bed of roses all the time. I hope the Chronicles of my own spiral upward encourages you and challenges you. God bless you and thank you for visiting.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


This is my little cat Nikki, taken last year at about this time.  She likes to straddle herself over the back of the chair and sleep there.

Well, that part is done.  I got to the Dentist today to have my tooth pulled.  It had abscessed twice - the last time was more painful than the first, so I was glad that I wouldn't have to wait for it to infect a third time.  The tooth itself was in good enough condition, but it was gum trouble that caused it.  I'm glad it wasn't a root abscess.  I understand the pain of those can just about drive you out of your wig.   At any rate it's over and done, and I'm almost finished with the major part of my 'dentisting'.  I'm supposed to go in in January and have 3 more pulled and a partial plate put in on the bottom.  I'm not looking forward to it.  I would prefer a creative miracle.  Butcha gotta do whatcha gotta do.

The place where I go is very nice.  It is a large heritage house that has been revamped into a Dental Clinic.  Even has a lovely winding staircase.  They had a nice Christmas tree up in the waiting room all decorated in white and silver decorations.  Something for me to 'chew on' for next year.  :) 
In the back is where all the rooms are.  They are all petitioned off with walls that don't go right to the ceiling and they have big, big windows.  It doesn't feel the least bit clinical or scary or closed in.  It's about as relaxing back there as a place like that can get.  Not a white wall in the place.  All nice decorator colors.
I was in the chair and the gal raised it up, and I could see out this big window, and I thought 'this must be what it's like to be in one of those glass elevators'.  I've never been in one.  I've been tempted.  Me and elevators don't get along that well.  The last time I was in an elevator with my brother he vowed never to get stuck in an elevator with me again - and he never has.  That was almost 30 years ago.  And I have not braved that many elevators since then either.  I usually just take the stairs.  But I thought at one point it might be nice to go a couple floors in one of those glass ones - on the inside of the building, not the outside.  Not 500 stories either.  One or two.
Maybe that will go on my 'The Future is Now' list of new heights to explore, excuse the pun. 
Maybe doing things you never would have thought you would do is not all a bad thing.  Maybe I'm starting to think outside the box. 
My box.  The box I locked myself into.  When I let fear clip my wings and tell me how high I could fly.

You know, it never seems to fail. I'm more surprised than anybody when I see where my blogging takes me.

Anyway, they are very good with me in there.  They go over your options with you and once you have decided which course of action you are going to take they explain everything they are going to do, why they are going to do it, how they are going to do it, and what it's going to feel like.
Although I have wondered how they know what it is going to feel like, since everyone in there seems to have perfect teeth.
And they try to make the needle procedures as easy on me as possible.  Having a big long needle stuck in my mouth is not my favorite fun thing to do, but they try so hard to be so careful.  Since I have to go to the Dentist anyway I am glad I found this place.  Which is another story in itself.


You see, I needed to go to a dentist, and we had just moved here, and there is no dentist here in town.  Actually, there isn't a whole lot here in town. So anyway, I prayed and asked the Lord where I should go to find a dentist, and in my mind's eye I saw this huge  blue heritage house with a sign in front that said Dental Clinic.  It's about 1 1/2 hours drive from where I live.  It's in the same city where I get my swan pictures.  So I looked it up in the phone book, called and got an appointment almost straight way, which is unusual to get into a dentist that fast - around these parts anyway.  My brother-in-law came to drive me and I told him it is the blue heritage house on the corner.  But when we got there, guess what.  It wasn't blue.  It has never been blue.  It is a light creamy beigey brown.

They say blue is the color of heaven.  It signifies love and peace.

So why then, when I go in there am I such a bundle of nerves???  I was laying on the table and the nerves in my back were jumping like popcorn in a microwave.

My sister told my mother that I sure have been brave.

She doesn't know that I slept with my Bible last night.

The first time I went in there I had to take my blanket.  Yes.  I really am almost 50 years old.  I almost laugh about it now.  Almost.   :()

Well, enough of all that.  Only one more trip and then all I'll have to do is maintain.  They say they are very pleased with my progress.

Actually, you know, so am I.  In more ways than one.

I hope my jaw has stopped hurting by turkey time.
And I hope I can drum up energy enough to finish up last minute things around here before the big day.

And I hope I remember above all the most important thing:

But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord.  Luke 2:10, 11

Have a great few days before Christ mas.

Much love to you ...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katherine,
    Thanks for sharing this lovely post, great picture of your cat at the start. Fear seems to trap us all, I am trying hard to let go of some of mine with the Help of Jesus. I love your scripture at the end and it is the most important thing to remember. Hope that you have a wonderful and blessed Christmas and 2011. love and hugs - Nita
