About Me

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Mainly I blog about my own experiences. The ups and downs, highs and lows. Things that encourage me to keep pressing toward the prize. People are basically the same. No one's life is a bed of roses all the time. I hope the Chronicles of my own spiral upward encourages you and challenges you. God bless you and thank you for visiting.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

So, Here I am

I'm new to Blogger and haven't really got the place figured out yet.  As you may have guessed by now, my name is Katherine.  Mainly I just talk about things I have been thinking about.  I'm willing to see lessons in Life, and more than that, willing to adjust the way I live according to the lessons I learn.  However, I do believe that the Holy Bible is the final authority on the subject of how I should live, and every lesson I learn is subject to It's authority.

Yes, I am a born-again Christian, I am glad to say.  The Lord Jesus Christ has been very good to me, and He alone has my allegiance.  However, I am interested in the things that other people believe, although I may not be willing to enter into it.  I'm interested in people, and mainly interested in being friendly.  I think I don't make that much of an impression in people's lives because I am not an 'inyourface' kind of personality, and yet, having said that, I often see people gradually change around me because they know they can relax and be themselves and I'm not going to send them to eternal damnation hell fire forever.  That's not really my job anyway.  Thank Goodness.  My job is also not to change people.  But if I can be a catalyst for a change they would like to see in their lives, or if watching how I live causes them to want something different for themselves, then I am happy with that.  I may or may not always mention God, Jesus, the Bible or Church, but they are never far from my mind and heart.  But you don't need to be afraid I'm going to preach.  On the other hand, if I have something to say about them I will.  After all, this is MY Blog.

I enjoy my pets, and I really have fun with my camera.  I would like to post pictures at some point.  I started out on Spaces Live and I found some very nice people and made some very good friends there.  Then I found a few of them on Face book, and I'm hoping to find a lot of them here as well.  I can't imagine my life without them in it now.  So you can make good friendships on line, but I've also met some duds.  They got the delete button.  Real life - same thing.

I hope to be able to take a look around and visit with some people I know and some that I will get to know.  I hope people will want to get to know me also.

Have a super week.


  1. Hi Katherine,
    Pleased to see you on here so quickly, will be following you now.
    Take care and have a good week,
    Hugs - Nita

  2. Thanks Nita. I don't have this place figured out yet, so I'm still working on ironing out the bugs.
